Classification and Characteristics of Contact Lenses

Classification and Characteristics of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses, also known as corneal contact lenses, are used to correct vision or protect the eyes. They are visually appealing and convenient to use, offering a new choice and experience for individuals with myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, and are also favored by those seeking aesthetic enhancements. So, how are contact lenses classified and what are their characteristics?

Based on lens material, contact lenses are categorized into rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, soft contact lenses, and silicone hydrogel lenses. RGP lenses are typically made of PMMA polymers, while soft contact lenses are popular due to their comfort, and silicone hydrogel lenses utilize materials with strong hydrophilic properties for enhanced comfort.

In terms of wearing time, contact lenses are available as daily disposables, bi-weekly disposables, monthly disposables, quarterly disposables, semi-annual disposables, and annual disposables. Once past the specified wearing period, disposable lenses may degrade and deform, and protein deposits may increase, significantly reducing comfort. The disposal time is calculated from the time of opening the package, and even if lenses are not worn frequently, they should be discarded when expired. Additionally, due to factors such as bacterial residue and protein precipitation during actual wear, the actual usage period is generally shorter than the theoretical value.

By functional purpose, contact lenses can be classified as corrective lenses, cosmetic lenses, therapeutic lenses, color-blind lenses, etc. Corrective lenses are used to correct refractive errors, cosmetic lenses, also known as colored contact lenses, are used to enhance or change eye color, therapeutic lenses serve as a treatment method for eye disorders, and color-blind lenses help improve color perception in individuals with color blindness.

Contact lenses combine practicality and aesthetics, making them increasingly popular. However, improper use and care methods may lead to new eye problems. Understanding the classification and characteristics of contact lenses comprehensively enables individuals to choose lenses that are suitable for their needs. Faced with the rapidly developing contact lens industry, EyeCoo will continue to uphold the business philosophy of "technology, fashion, health, and safety," strictly control product quality, and strive to build the EyeCoo contact lens brand.


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